Veloz is a nonpartisan 501(c)(3) nonprofit.

State Plans & Guides

Market acceleration for zero-emission vehicles, which include plug-in electric vehicles and fuel cell electric vehicles, is a cornerstone of California’s long-term transportation strategy. Following a record-setting wildfire season exacerbated by the effects of climate change, Governor Newsom signed Executive Order N-79-20 on September 23, 2020. Executive Order N-79-20 sets ambitious statewide targets to transition California’s transportation sector to zero emissions to reduce carbon, smog-forming, and toxic diesel pollution while retaining and creating jobs and growing the economy.


The ZEV Market Development Strategy is meant to help California collectively move forward and deliver zero-emission benefits to all Californians. It outlines how state agencies and stakeholder groups key to our transition can move together with the scale and speed required to reach the state’s ZEV targets of 100 percent of in-state sales of new passenger cars and trucks will be zero-emission by 2035. The Governor’s Office of Planning and Research, in cooperation with stakeholders across California, has created several resources to achieve the goals in the executive order.

California Zero-Emission Vehicle Market Development Strategy

This document is the result of input and guidance from numerous stakeholders, built on a foundation of decades of ZEV market development experience in California. Market development, by definition, is a work in progress. So is this document and its implementation. Ideas for improvement are always welcome.


Electric Vehicle Charging Station Permitting Guidebook (Second Edition)

For electric vehicles to reach true market potential as quickly as possible, California should be the most straightforward place in the country to install market-enabling ZEV charging and fueling infrastructure. The goal of this guidebook is to hasten the transition to plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) by simplifying the deployment of electric vehicle charging stations.


Hydrogen Station Permitting Guidebook

The Hydrogen Station Permitting Guidebook is intended to help local jurisdictions and hydrogen station developers navigate and streamline the station development process. It also provides stakeholders with background on hydrogen and fuel cell electric vehicles, California’s efforts to accelerate infrastructure development, and insights into the upward momentum of this market since its launch in 2015.


2018 ZEV Action Plan – Priorities Update

This 2018 ZEV Action Plan introduces updated priorities to the 2016 ZEV Action Plan and build California’s ZEV market, remove barriers to future market growth and ensure this transition benefits our state and its residents. The intent is to clearly communicate what state government will do to advance ZEVs and serve as a “to-do” list for the Governor’s Office and state agencies to enhance interagency coordination.


2016 ZEV Action Plan

This 2016 ZEV Action Plan introduces new actions to meet these priorities and build California’s ZEV market, remove barriers to future market growth and ensure this transition benefits our state and its residents. The intent is to clearly communicate what state government will do to advance ZEVs and serve as a “to-do” list for the Governor’s Office and state agencies to enhance interagency coordination.


Action Plan Cover

2013 ZEV Action Plan

The ZEV Action Plan identifies specific strategies and actions that state agencies will take to meet the milestones of the Governor’s ZEV Executive Order. The actions outlined by the plan are grouped under four broad goals that state government is currently taking or plans to take to help expand the ZEV market.


Guidebook Cover

Office of Planning and Research – ZEV Community Readiness Guidebook

The Guidebook highlights many aspects of ZEV readiness, including necessary infrastructure, planning and zoning, permitting guidelines, greening local fleets and encouraging consumers through incentives and outreach. It also includes a number of tools and templates, which are provided below in Microsoft Word format for your convenience.
