Veloz is a nonpartisan 501(c)(3) nonprofit.


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California is at the beginning of a massive transformation to electric vehicles.

The question is not “if” we will complete the transition, the question is “when.

California is engaged in a massive transformation to electric vehicles (EVs) and local governments can help accelerate the momentum. Widespread charging stations are a necessity to reduce range anxiety and to give Californians the confidence they need to purchase an electric vehicle (EV).

The video below — produced by Veloz in partnership with the California Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-Biz) — helps local governments begin the conversation to deploy more EV charging stations in their communities by streamlining the currently lengthy permitting process.

Local governments and their partners can also use the Electric Vehicle Charging Station Permitting Guidebook and Best Practices created by GO-Biz to implement the streamlined AB 1236 permitting policy and install more charging stations.

Share the video with your team and download the guidebook to start the streamlining process today!

The goal of the Electric Vehicle Charging Station Permitting Guidebook is to hasten the transition to plug-in electric vehicles by simplifying the deployment of EV charging stations. GO-Biz aims to accomplish this by creating a shared foundation of understanding for how cities, counties and developers can work together to streamline the planning, permitting, installation and ongoing operation of electric vehicle charging stations and supporting equipment. Electric vehicles are the future of transportation, download and share this guidebook to install more charging stations in your communities and help create a healthier, carbon-free environment for all.

If your community is interested in installing Hydrogen Stations as well, see the Hydrogen Station Permitting Guidebook.

GO-Biz Permitting Olympics

GO-Biz and partners have created a new initiative to streamline permitting for electric vehicle charging stations – The Permitting Olympics! The goal is to get the entire state “Streamlined” by Earth Day, April 22, 2021. To encourage cities and counties to streamline, GO-Biz will be awarding permitting medals to jurisdictions that have streamlined, based on the requirements of AB 1236. Medals will be awarded county by county, based on all the jurisdictions within the county:

  • Counties with 100% of their region streamlined = Gold
  • Counties with 75% of their region streamlined = Silver
  • Counties with 50% of their region streamlined = Bronze

See if your community is joining the Permitting Olympics and has started the streamlining process.