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Veloz Summit Series: Building Momentum Toward the 2035 EV Goal

Veloz means fast and 2021 catapulted Electric Vehicles into the news with the new administration, new leadership and provocative new advertisements from automakers.  During our half-day summit, from 9:00 a.m./PST to Noon/PST on March 9th, we will talk with newly appointed California Air Resources Board Chair, Liane Randolph, Caroline Winn, Chief Executive Officer, SDG&E and other state and federal leaders for a fresh conversation about transportation electrification in 2021 and beyond.

  • What is the federal government’s vision in regulating zero emissions?
  • What are automakers’ challenges and opportunities to accelerating charging?  Any new business models?
  • What is the vision and plan for charging infrastructure for a total ZEV market?
  • What EV educational campaigns are working and how are consumers responding?

Save your place and register for the free summit now.




Thank you San Diego Gas & Electric for sponsoring this summit.

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March 9, 2021