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EV Myths vs. Facts

Busting the Myths About Electric Vehicles

Myth 1:
Electric vehicles are more expensive than gas-powered vehicles.
EV Expense Graphic

The upfront cost is dropping for all electric vehicles. Many are already cost-competitive.

With lower fuel and maintenance costs, it’s now much more affordable to buy, own and operate an electric vehicle than a gas-powered car.

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  • Once you include fuel and maintenance cost savings, which are significant, it costs much less to buy, own and operate an EV than a gas powered vehicle today. A Harvard Kennedy School Study found: At $200 per kWh, the EV is cheaper to buy, own and operate than the internal combustion (ICE) vehicle in every scenario by up to $4,300. Union of Concerned Scientists analysis finds EVs are significantly cheaper (UCS)
  • According to all-electric vehicles have the lowest estimated annual fuel cost of all light-duty vehicles.
Myth 2:
Electric vehicles are a niche that will never replace gas-powered vehicles.
EV Sales Growth Graphic

Sales of gas-powered vehicles have been declining since 2018.

Meanwhile, electric vehicle sales are growing exponentially while costs are dramatically dropping.

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Myth 3:
The electrical grid cannot handle the increased demand created by electric vehicles.
EV Electric Grid Graphic

The electrical grid benefits from electric vehicles.

The increase in overall demand is minimal and electric vehicles benefit the grid by storing and managing energy and driving electricity rates down for users.

Myth 4:
Electric vehicles are just as bad for the environment as gas-powered vehicles.
Lower Emissions Graphic

From factory to road, electric vehicles, with zero tailpipe emissions, emit a fraction of global warming pollutants that gas-powered vehicles produce.

EVs across all segments are already displacing 1 million barrels of oil demand per day globally.

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Estimate total greenhouse gas emissions for EVs here!

  • A new study conducted in July 2021 by The International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT) shows from manufacturing to fueling to driving, EVs produce less pollution than gas-powered vehicles.
  • U.S. Department of Energy has developed a Beyond Tailpipe Calculator to estimate the total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for your EV or PHEV.  You can enter your zip code and calculate the tailpipe emissions for your car. The calculator includes upstream emissions to produce the car and battery.
  • Union of Concerned Scientists undertook a comprehensive, two-year review of the climate emissions from vehicle production, operation, and disposal. They found that battery electric cars generate half the emissions of the average comparable gasoline car, even when pollution from battery manufacturing is accounted for.
  • Just published, the Union of Concerned Scientists discuss the critical materials used in battery electric vehicles and battery recycling in this report.
  • The need for electrification in the medium- and heavy-duty segment is urgent. EPA reports that the medium- and heavy-duty segment was responsible for 23 percent of the GHG emissions – over half of the transportation emissions in the U.S. – and accounted for 26 percent of the transportation sector’s fuel consumption in 2018.
Myth 5:
Electric vehicles are like golf carts and cannot meet the needs of most drivers.

There are 70+ electric vehicle models available today and manufacturers are debuting more every year. With instant acceleration, driving electric is fun, fast and powerful.

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  • Most EVs on the market today go from 0-60 mph in less than 8 seconds, some in less than 3. They are among the speediest on the market, and far faster than most gas-powered vehicles. (Motortrend)
  • Dozens of new passenger EV models will hit the US market in the next two to three years. These are finally addressing the light truck, SUV, and crossover markets in large numbers. COVID-19 has impacted some delivery schedules, but these delays are marked in months, not years. (Car and Driver) (BNEF)
Myth 6:
Electric vehicle charging infrastructure currently cannot and will not be able to meet the demand created by California’s 2035 goal to electrify 100% of new passenger vehicles sold.
EV Chargers Graphic

California is on the fast track to build out charging infrastructure, with policies, investments and regulatory streamlining, to ensure everyone can charge when and where they need to charge.

Visit the Home Charging Advisor.

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Myth 7:
Electric vehicles have a limited range and it takes too long to charge at too few charging stations.
EV Mileage Range Graphic

Electric vehicles now have over 200 mile range with models having over 400 mile range coming onto the market soon. Most EV owners charge their vehicles at home.

Plus, with DC fast chargers across California’s traffic corridors, an electric vehicle refuels in close to the same time it takes to refill a gas vehicle.

Visit the Home Charging Advisor.

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  • Over the past decade, the electric vehicle market has grown to more than 60 different cars. The best electric cars all get more than 200 miles on a charge.
  • The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) estimates that the average American drives 40 miles per day. The 200-plus miles per battery charge offered by many of today’s electric cars provides all the driving range that commuters need. Actually, they provide five times the required distance.
  • The time it takes to charge an electric car can be as little as 30 minutes or more than 12 hours. This depends on the size of the battery and the speed of the charging point.
Myth 8:
The transition to electric vehicles will cost too much and hurt California’s economy.
EV Industry Graphic

Electric Vehicles could be the state’s next big global industry.

California is home to 34 different electric vehicle manufacturers and electric vehicles in 2020 became the state’s biggest export. This global industry is a multi-trillion dollar opportunity for the state.

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  • Electric vehicles in 2020 became the state’s biggest export. This is the next big global industry – a multi-trillion dollar opportunity for California, and anyone else who leads the electric vehicle market.
  • CA stands out in market opportunity for EVs, and accounted for half of EV sales from 2010-17. (ICCT)
  • The fifth annual Clean Jobs America report from E2 shows that from 2017-2020, U.S. clean energy was one of the fastest-growing jobs, employing 3.4 million before the COVID crisis hit. Led by EVs, clean vehicles are leading overall job growth: since June, clean vehicle employment in the United States has risen 26 percent.